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Senseo 4 Neo
/ Manuel Kretzer
Short Project Material and Technology
Dessau Department of Design
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Summer 2020
During last semester’s shortproject course our students watched and analysed science-fiction movies to design speculative coffee machines. Can you guess which films were the sources of inspiration?⠀
Lukas Artmann, Anne Dimter, Angelique Gelhar, Nils Holbach, Isaak Ary Lieberwirth, Tim Portnoy, Anton Roppeld, Maximilian Rueth, Vanessa Rüpprich, Matthias Schmidt, Jennifer Schwartz
Supervision: Manuel Kretzer, Benjamin Kemper
parametric jewelry
/ Manuel Kretzer
Expertise Material and Technology
Dessau Department of Design
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Summer 2020
Parametric design is a process based on algorithmic thinking that enables the expression of parameters and rules that, together, define, encode and clarify the relationship between design intent and design response. A parametric model is thus based on a set of dynamic relations, which continuously inform and influence each other. The result is no longer a clearly defined form, but rather a flexible connection of parameters of the geometrical shape and numerical variables of these parameters for the description of the desired variant. A cuboid for example can be defined by the variables length, width and height, a cylinder by radius and height.
Read more →ALI3N
/ Manuel Kretzer

ALI3N is a colour-changing stool. It’s design is based on a custom-made Metaball script developed in Rhino/ Grasshopper. The prototypical stool was then 3D printed in 1:1 over the course of three days from a thermochromic filament, which allows the object to adjust its colour when exposed to changes in temperature.

the entire history of me
/ Manuel Kretzer
In 2011 the British science fiction anthology series “Black Mirror” screened an episode entitled “The Entire History of You”, set in an alternative reality where most people have “grains” recording everything they do, see, or hear, and allowing them to play back their memories in front of their eyes or on a screen.
Read more →faces – everywhere
/ Manuel Kretzer
This is a book about faces in everyday objects. It is also a book about planting trees – since 100% of the profits will be donated to a tree-planting charity. Most of all, however, this is a book about discovering and using one’s personal tools and abilities for something that matters. The quality of these pages is not in what they display, how they look, or what they generate, but rather it is in what they represent: turning something trivial into a method of action. This is our planet, this is our future, and this is our chance to design it the way we want it to be. The trick is to not succumb to the overwhelming helplessness we are confronted with, but to do what we understand as right and towards that which we care about. We don’t all have to take the exact same measures, such as eating vegan or cycling to work – but we should all do something – since everyone can make a difference.
Digital Crafting Book
/ Manuel Kretzer
In einer Zeit, in der die Grenzen zwischen digitaler und realer Welt zunehmend verschwimmen, sieht sich auch die Disziplin “Design” mit einer Reihe an neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Einer dieser Bereiche ist das Feld “Digital Crafting”, das sich mit der Vermittlung digitaler Entwurfs- und Produktionstechniken und der Konzeption und Gestaltung daraus resultierender Manifestationen befasst. Machen, experimentieren und Prototypen, das Erfahren von Grenzen und Möglichkeiten und die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von Entwurf und Objekt sind grundlegende Bestandteile dieses Themas.
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/ Manuel Kretzer
“Ribofunk is speculative fiction which acknowledges, is informed by and illustrates the tenet that the next revolution–the only one that really matters–will be in the field of biology. To paraphrase Pope, ribofunk holds that: “The proper study of mankind is life.” Forget physics and chemistry; they are only tools to probe living matter. Computers? Merely simulators and modelers for life. The cell is King!”
Ribofunk: The Manifesto, by Paul Di Filippo (1996)
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The Shape of Music
/ Manuel Kretzer
‘The Shape of Music’ is a processing sketch attempting to reveal the anatomy of songs. The custom designed software reads the frequency and amplitude of a song at any given moment and translates them into geometrical information. The results are circular shapes varying in size and complexity, reflecting the full range of musical forms, from the deep structure of Beethoven to the chaotic beauty of John Cage.
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Tomorrow Land
/ Manuel Kretzer
On July 17th, 1955 Disneyland USA opened its Tomorrowland exhibition, a place where technology and science pointed the way to a shiny, happy future of glorious inventions, space travel and nuclear-powered everything.
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Vermillion Sands – Alive in Dystopia
/ Manuel Kretzer
“‘Lively responses, aren’t they, Mr. Talbot?’ He put his hand on the wall behind us. The plastex swam and whirled like boiling toothpaste, then extruded itself into a small ledge. Stamers sat down on the lip, which quickly expanded to match the contours of his body, providing back and arm rests.”
Ballard, J. G., The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista, 1962
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Der Löwe Petersilie im Weltall
/ Manuel Kretzer
Das zweite Buch aus der beliebten Petersilie Reihe ist endlich da!
‘Digital Hut’ exhibited at BAU 2017, Munich
/ Manuel Kretzer
Within the framework of the research project ‘Digital Hut’ and in cooperation with the Wismar University of Applied Sciences, responsive design studio presents a prototype of a digitally designed and fabricated minimalist housing unit- the ‘Digital Hat’. The prototype will be exhibited on the booth of the ‘Initiative Zukunft Bau’ under the leadership of the German Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Space Research. The project is supported by 3A Composites AG, the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe and Mack GmbH. The ‘Digital Hut will be shown from 16.1.-21.1. at the BAU (Trade fair munich) in hall B0, stand number 202. Read more →
Fellowship – innovation in digital education at universities
/ Manuel Kretzer
The Professorship of CAD, under the current management of Hans Sachs (responsive design) of the Faculty Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture, receives 47,000 euros in the fellowship program of the Ministry of Science and the Founders’ Association. The teaching will benefit from this – among other things by the procurement of virtual reality glasses as well as PCs and 3D modeling software. Read more →
Merry Christmas 2016
/ Manuel Kretzer
We wish all our friends, colleagues, partners, sponsors, families, supporters, students, employees, interns, clients, suppliers, enemies, children, parents, faint acquaintances, past loves, collaborators, muses, pets, mentors, and anyone else who we know or don’t (yet) know the merriest and happiest of all christmases and a great and successful start into the new year 2017.
Kids Bench 2.0
/ Manuel Kretzer
Kindly produced by our friends at Bächer Bergmann GmbH Kids Bench has gone 2.0. New size, new material, optimized design, (largely) digitally fabricated, simply much better. Orders available upon request.

Processing – Generative Design Tutorials
/ Manuel Kretzer
instructions for the creation of computational art
The following tutorials were created to provide a simple access to the processing programming language. They were essential parts of teaching during the 2016 Digital Crafting class at HBK Braunschweig.
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Parametric Jewelry
/ Manuel Kretzer
A collection of parametrically designed rings using Rhino3D and Grasshopper. The rings can be customized to finger size and personal design preferences, such as width, size, pattern and numerous other variables.
The designs are 3D printed in plastic or other materials, such as steel, and will soon be on sale at Shapeways.
Generative Art: Sound Mapping
/ Manuel Kretzer
The following are a number of coding experiments using Processing in combination with the Minim Audio Library to create drawings from songs by mapping their average frequency and level in relation to time to the size of the canvas.
Rhino 3D Digital Crafting Tutorials
/ Manuel Kretzer
Rhino 3D Tutorials for simple shape fabrication.
These tutorials provide very simple shape to fabrication instructions for quick prototyping from flat materials. They were developed during the Digital Crafting courses taught at the Braunschweig University of Art.
In & Out – experimental & interactive furniture at IMM, Cologne 2016
/ Manuel Kretzer
Hans Sachs of responsive design studio was part of the team leading 2 Rhino-Grasshopper Workshops within the in&out experimental furniture course at the faculty of architecture at KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in June 2015. The resulting student works are now exhibited at the IMM 2016 in Cologne.
Rhino 3D to Pazzles Inspiration Vue
/ Manuel Kretzer
The Pazzles Inspiration Vue is a nice desktop cutting machine with a table size of 12″ x 12″ (or alternatively 12″ x 24″). Since the machine can apply quite a bit of pressure (up to 1.000g) it is capable of cutting materials up to a thickness of 2mm, which makes it an interesting option for (architectural) model making and prototyping from cardboard or thick paper. In addition to knife cutting the machine can be equipped with a pen and further interesting tools . Comparing the machine to other desktop cutters such as the Silhoutte Cameo or Silhouette Curio it is certainly more expensive and its design can be questioned but it also feels more sturdy and durable.

Der Löwe Petersilie und das geheimnisvolle Tal
/ Manuel Kretzer
The lion Petersilie and his friends the tiger Blumenkohl and the parrot Papadu are hiking in the mountains when they are surprised by a sudden thunderstorm. Seeking shelter in a nearby cave they make an unbelievable discovery, which leads them into an adventure full of long forgotten creatures and plenty of new friends.

Kids Bench : Cardboard
/ Manuel Kretzer
We rebuilt our original Kids Bench from 2007 with white honeycomb cardboard. In addition to a revision in materiality the object was resized, according to the thickness of the cardboard sheets of 1.6cm. The new scale makes the object not only much easier to assemble and transport but also lighter in appearance.
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Chick ‘n’ Egg Chair featured in DaWanda LoveMag #6
/ Manuel Kretzer
Responsive Design Studio’s Chick ‘n’ Egg Chair is featured in the current issue of DaWanda LoveMag #6. Available viaDaWanda our through our Shop.
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Technoid Tower M-CDC Workshop
/ Manuel Kretzer
Workshop on digital design and fabrication in Architecture, by Hans Sachs (responsive design studio) and Sebastian Bächer (Bächer & Bergmann GmbH). This workshop is part of the international Master Program Computational Design & Construction (MCDC) at the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen- Lippe in Detmold, Germany.
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Honeycomb Cardboard Shelf
/ Manuel Kretzer
A weekend shape and material study utilizing honeycomb cardboard.